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2 metus atgal

Man juokas ima kai girdziu sako riebaluojasi plaukus????atsakymas-nemokate naudoti! Tik ant drėgnu baigiančiu džiūti plaukų!!nerealus rezultatas ir blizgejimas be riebumo kaip per reklama! Gaila video negaliu įkelti!

2 metus atgal

I used this mask once per week and hair roots activater “ Beauty inspirer “ , I am so happy! Results is amazing. It’s helped for my dry scalp as well!

2 metus atgal

The best hair conditioner! ❤️

2 metus atgal

This cream is the best for my face care in the evening time.The retinol in it makes the skin nourished and elastic.
Safe to use as it does not contain parabens and sulphates. I recommend it it.

2 metus atgal

Wonderful product, my skin get very soft , while using this cream