Iš viso atsiliepimų


Vidutinis įvertinimas

★★★★★ Puiku 1053
★★★★☆ Gerai 8
★★★☆☆ Vidutiniškai 5
★★☆☆☆ Prastai 6
★☆☆☆☆ Blogai 6

Visi atsiliepimai

4 metus atgal

I've been using the diffuser for a while and I can say it's great and very good value for money. If you are tired of buying similar cheaper items from the supermarket that won't last long, give this I shot. I can confirm that it will fill the room very quickly with an amazing smell. The volume of mist that this device creates is amazing, at the same time it won't ruin your furniture. A small fan is involved to push the mist out and is mains powered. My favourite oil from the ones I've tried up until now is peppermint essential oil. Happy customer.

Viktorija Rudytė
4 metus atgal

Tobula! Padėjo net išspręsti problemą su pernelyg dideliu galvos odos riebaluotumu. Pastebėjau daug mažų " antenyčių ". Žodžiu, REKOMENDUOJU! Džiaugiuosi, Vilana, atradusi Jūsų produktus!

4 metus atgal

Amazing product! I was loosing my hear after giving a birth but after few times using this mask I already feel the difference.

4 metus atgal

Padėjo atcikratyti plaukų slinkimo!!

4 metus atgal

isimylejau rinkinuka nuo pirmu dienu. dabar laukiu rezultato. plaukai minksti, mieli, senai ka beturejusi, nors isbandziau daug ir brangiu produktu.sita lunija Nr.1.