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Vidutinis įvertinimas

★★★★★ Puiku 1053
★★★★☆ Gerai 8
★★★☆☆ Vidutiniškai 5
★★☆☆☆ Prastai 6
★☆☆☆☆ Blogai 6

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Erika Eidininkiene
4 metus atgal

Perfect cream! No need more words.

4 metus atgal

I had very dry and itchy skin. Vilana advised to order a carrot cream. The cream helped straight away. I like lavender water and eye cream also. Will be trying more products like shampoo and hand creams. I love that everything is organic and works well.

4 metus atgal

The best cream for ackne skin. Highly recommend, i already buy two times, and will buy in the future.

Zivile Bliuvaite
4 metus atgal

The best lip balm what I have ever tried! My lips is very soft, and smells amazing.

4 metus atgal

Very good soften my lips. And smell fantastic. All the time It have to be in my bag.