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★★★★★ Puiku 1053
★★★★☆ Gerai 8
★★★☆☆ Vidutiniškai 5
★★☆☆☆ Prastai 6
★☆☆☆☆ Blogai 6

Visi atsiliepimai

4 metus atgal

Tikrai geras,veiksmingas kremas plaukams,naudoju antrą buteliuką.Nėbėra išsišakojusių galiukų!Bėja užtenka ilgam.

Kristina Van Halle
4 metus atgal

I am so in love with ROSE HYDROLATE it not just hydrates my skin but also helps with my breakouts. 10 out of 10 !

4 metus atgal

Nesu niekada bandžiusi geresnio šampūno! Plaukai atgaivinti, purūs. Rekomenduoju! ♥️

Zivile Bliuvaite
4 metus atgal

Love this cream, I wash my hands very often, so they are very dry, and you need a small drop to moisturise your hands and lasts hours. My hands looks much better after is start using it.

4 metus atgal

It really works! I had a problematic hand skin tryed a lot of different hand creams, but only this one made my skin more elastic and soft! 100% recommend it for someone who has a problem with dry skin.