Total reviews


Average rating

★★★★★ Excellent 1053
★★★★☆ Good 8
★★★☆☆ Medium 5
★★☆☆☆ Poor 6
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 6

All reviews

Sandra Gaubiene
Verified purchase
1 year ago

Tikrai labai skanus,mano isrankiam vaikui taip pat labai patiko.Nereikia net priminti,pats pasiima ir nepamirsta

Edgaras Lioransas
1 year ago

Bought this cream together with the serum, and very dissapointed to have spend my money. After applying the serum, skin got red patches everywhere, started stinging. I thought I should just try the cream, but after cleaning, applying the cream. It hydrated for 30 seconds but after face was tight, dry patches everywhere and most important red all over. I have tried the cream on 4 different occassions, same effect everytime
I thought it was made from natural ingredients, hence why I wanted to try, but now just dissapointed I wasted my money.

Ieva Kaminske
Verified purchase
1 year ago

Mano pati megstamiausia duso zele, nuostabaus kvapo ir labai gerai putoja!

Ieva Kaminske
Verified purchase
1 year ago

Superinis! Mano vyras geria si kalogena, ir jau maziau nei po dvieju savaiciu, pastebejo, kad sanariu skausmai zenkliai sumazejo!
O as pati irgi geriu, tai man nebetraska taip kaulai, kai pvz tupuosi ir ituostus darau, nes budovo kiekvienas judesys labai garsus!
Abu labai labai patenkinti.

1 year ago

Labai skanūs, vaikams labai patiko.