Get rewarded for every purchase
1. Every user registered with ‘Vilana Natural Beauty’ automatically becomes a member of the loyalty program.
2. You will be rewarded 1% of the amount you spend to purchase in our online shop.
3. Rewards are given for purchase when you log in to your user account, the amount you receive depends on the value of the goods you purchase.
4. You can use the money accumulated during the loyalty program to buy further goods in the online shop including gift vouchers.
5. Rewards accumulated in the loyalty program can not be exchanged for cash.
6. Customer loyalty points are valid indefinitely until they are used by the buyer.
7. You can always see your accumulated reward balance in your account and in the product basket when you are making a new order.
8. When you place an order in the online shop, using reward money to settle your balance, you will see your reward balance automatically decrease.
9. Loyalty points are not accrued when purchasing goods with a discount at that time
10. Loyalty rewards cannot be used with any other promotion.
11. ‘Vilana Natural Beauty’ reserves the right to change the loyalty program rules and system without prior notice.