Total reviews


Average rating

★★★★★ Excellent 1053
★★★★☆ Good 8
★★★☆☆ Medium 5
★★☆☆☆ Poor 6
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 6

All reviews

7 months ago

I use this product for few years already and will continue to use. Best product.

Verified purchase
7 months ago

I've been using this conditioner for many years, my hair is very soft from it

7 months ago

I have been using the carrot cream for few years now and I love it! When I was recently placing an order, I have put rose cream in the basket by mistake. It was a special offer and I got two of them. I have discovered that my sensitive skin in my 40s absolutely loves the rose cream

Ieva Kantauskienė
Verified purchase
7 months ago

Perku jau ne pirmą kartą, naudoja ir mama ir aš. Vis papildome atsargas???? Malonus jausmas pasitepus, puikiai drėkina ir suteikia švytėjimo bei lengvą atspalvį odai❤️ Rekomenduoju ????

Jurgita Petraitienė
Verified purchase
7 months ago

Puikus eterinis, naudoju garinant nuo peršalimo simptomatikos, tepiau net limfmazgius ant nakties nuo skausmo ir uždegimo, ryte būdavo atslūgę. Taippat net užgulusiai nosiai, giliai kvėpavau, tepiau šalia nosies šnervių esančius taškus, padėjo. Mano mėgstamiausias, skiriu 1 viętą.