Total reviews


Average rating

★★★★★ Excellent 1052
★★★★☆ Good 8
★★★☆☆ Medium 5
★★☆☆☆ Poor 6
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 6

All reviews

4 years ago

My favourite mask of all???? after first use my hair was so smooth, silky, shiny, I just couldn't stop touching them!

Aiste Zylaite
Verified purchase
4 years ago

Tikras spa namuose, kvapas aštrus, bet man be galo malonus, oda po naudojimo šilko švelnumo, tai tikrai nuostabus šveitiklis

4 years ago

Nuostabus serumas sausai odai.. maloniai kvepia ir greitai isigeria! Naudoju ir ryte ir vakare! Kai kurie serumai buna gana aliejiniai, bet ne sis..

Aiste Zylaite
Verified purchase
4 years ago

Tiko mano mišriai odai, kvapas malonus, kiek sunkokai įsigeria į odą.

4 years ago

It was my very first set that I ordered from Vilananaturalbeauty. And then everything began... It really surprised me. The smell of the nature, so relaxing. And the feel of the hair after washing amazed me. When you taste something good you want more and more. So from then I chage all my products to Vilananaturalbeauty products.