Total reviews


Average rating

★★★★★ Excellent 1053
★★★★☆ Good 8
★★★☆☆ Medium 5
★★☆☆☆ Poor 6
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 6

All reviews

5 years ago

The best face cream!
Perku jau antra indeli, pagaliau atradau sau tinkanti veido krema. Puikiai susigeria, labai maloni konsistencija, oda iskart jauciasi sudrekinta ir stangresne. Super!

Lina Bernotaite
5 years ago

Best conditioner by far! Once you try it, don't want to use any others. And it smells divine!

Lina Bernotaite
5 years ago

Using 3-4 drops after every hair wash on a damp hair. However I read lots of reviews saying that most people need only a drop or max two. I have very long hair with dry, split ends and I found that the cream adds some moisture and hair looks healthier after applying it.

Lina Bernotaite
5 years ago

I think that's the best body lotion I've ever tried. Perfect for dry skin, smells lovely and doesn't leave your skin feeling greasy.

Lina Bernotaite
5 years ago

Lovely shampoo, using it on a daily basis and loving it! One bar lasts for along time plus it's completely natural, that's what I love the most