
Synergistic blends of essential oils are biologically active blends of essential oils. Mixtures of essential oils developed by Vilana Natural Beauty specialists have a synergistic effect where one oil enhances the effect of another, making them more effective than the essential oil from one type of plant. Essential oils have one very useful feature: blending their properties enhances them.

For example, tea tree oil in combination with eucalyptus or lemon essential oils increases the antibacterial effect of the mixture by 20 times.

These essential oil blends balance energy, lift mood, reduce stress, and soothe the distracted mind. It’s a great way to calm down, relax and regain your well being.

Selected based on the synergistic needs of today’s busy people, you will find mixtures to fight against viral infections, bacterial diseases, reduce inflammation, strengthen the immune system, facilitate well being in respiratory diseases, relieve overstressed muscles, etc.

- Relieve stress, help you to relax after a busy day.
- Balance energy flow at vital points and channels.
- Stabilise the nervous system.
- Relax the muscles.
- Provide a rejuvenating effect on the body.
- Create a state of emotional comfort, joy and optimism.
- Remove depressive states, cleanse the body of unnecessary emotions and thoughts.
- Allowing you to get to know your body better.
- Responding calmly to stressful and conflicting situations.
Relieve stress, nourish the soul and revitalise the body with synergistic blends of essential oils. These blends are made from 100% natural, pure essential oils. Each blend has its own unique properties.

Synergistic essential oils blend in with wonderful scents and their variety will satisfy even the most sophisticated sense of smell. Since they are used for a variety of purposes, from beauty and health to emotional effects, I suggest getting to know the most effective and easy ways to use synergistic blends of essential oils.

Essential oils enter the body in two main ways - through the skin and through the nose. However, it is not always possible to distinguish between these uses of oil, because by massaging with essential oils, we absorb them not only through the skin but also through our sense of smell.

Once in contact with the skin, due to their extremely light weight molecular structure, they penetrate into the skin and deeper tissue cells very quickly and enter the bloodstream.

One of the most beneficial properties of such blends is that they provide additional oxygen to the skin by their rapid penetration. When inhaled, essential oils in the brain instantly trigger biochemical processes that regulate our emotions and well being, causing us to relax.

Essential oil diffusers are the most suitable for room aroma/disinfection. For a medium sized room (about 14m²), add 5-7 drops of a synergistic mixture of essential oils to the diffuser. 

If you do not have a diffuser, you can apply a few drops of essential oil to a container with dried flowers, on a napkin and place it in a cupboard or place it on a warm radiator or a few drops on a pillow.

For direct inhalation, the essential oils are inhaled directly from the bottle or after applying on the napkin. This method is especially useful when you need a quick result - when you get very stressed, have a coughing fit or to soothe a sore head. The essential oil can be carried in a bottle or in a special aromatherapy medallion.

f you are at home and have more time, add 2-3 drops to a bowl of hot water. Lean over it at a distance of 20-30cm and cover your head with a towel. Keep your eyes closed to avoid irritation. For example, with Cold Comfort synergistic Essential Oil blend, this procedure can be performed for cold, sore throat or sore head, and for protection against various bacteria and viruses.  

These mixtures are a great preventative measure and help against various cold season viruses.Angel’s Shield’ will be a great protection against a variety of illnesses, and it’s easy to use: just apply a few drops directly on your clothes (it won’t stain) every time you leave the house.

An aromatherapy bath is one of the simplest and most effective types of aromatherapy. The effect of such a bath will depend on the mixture of synergistic oils and water temperature selected. The optimum temperature is 35-38 degrees and lying in such a bath should only be for about 20 minutes. This procedure removes toxins, fatigue, helps you sleep better, aids in relief from colds and or headaches.

For an adult, 5-7 drops of a synergistic mixture of essential oils can be used per bath. Since the oil does not mix with water it should be dissolved before pouring into the bath. Add the oil to a couple of handfuls of salt, half a cup of milk (at least 3.5% fat) or a tablespoon of honey and mix well, or use our ready prepared bath salts. Once dissolved, it will be able to spread evenly in the water.  

Essential oils used for massage absorb into the skin and improve blood circulation, relaxation and stimulate muscles. During the massage, the aromatic aroma affects the central nervous system, relieves stress and restores energy levels.  Mix 7-10 drops of your choice of essential oil with 30ml of base oil (peach, almond, grape seed or olive). The Angel’s tenderness’ synergistic blend of oils can be used to massage incense, helping to calm even the biggest headaches. Store the mixture in a dark cool place and warm in small quantities.

Another wonderful way to enjoy synergistic oil blends is in the sauna. Drop into water, sprinkle walls and floors, just don’t pour on stones - essential oils will burn and provide no benefit. Already in a heated sauna, they should be used only for aroma or inhalation. Sauna steam can diffuse your favourite essential oil blend – Cosy Time is balanced for this particular pleasure. 

Home cleaning: instead of cleaning your home with chemicals that we can smell almost all day long, we can turn daily cleaning of the home into a fun, calming activity. Not only is Cleanse and Sparkle’ synergistic oil blend, designed for this purpose, but it also disinfects, kills viruses and bacteria, purifies air and improves our mood. Drop this mixture directly onto the dusting cloth or apply a couple of drops to the water you use to mop the floor.

You can use any favourite blend of synergistic oils for any of the methods described. It is important not to overdose and use them properly.