
With a teacup in hand and a pillow by my side, I gazed outside the steamy window. Fresh spring droplets raced towards the ground in a rush to perform their little miracles. With every drop, a piece of the Earth began flourishing. The once naked and shrivelled ground now began to thrive with newfound strength and beauty. The gorgeous greenery seemed to spread for miles and brought with it a soft, fresh aroma. With a final sip of my tea, I slipped on my jacket and stepped outside to welcome this ancient spring.

Every lively creature on Earth needs water because it is impossible to be alive without it! Our whole body is produced from water composed cells. It is necessary for the renewal and survival of cells. Water is essential for every organ in the body. However, many people do not realise that skin is an organ as well. (In fact, it’s our biggest organ.) Our skin without water is like parched and shrivelled ground. If we do not exercise proper care, our skin becomes dull and sore; lose its elasticity and glow. It’s distinctly visible on the face.

How you can exercise better care of your skin:

  1. Use moisturiser within the first two minutes of washing your face! When we wash our skin with warm water, our pores open and take all the helpful nutrients. We all want the best from our products, don’t we? 
  2. Use hyaluronic acid. It’s one of the best moisturisers for your skin. Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in our body, but its amount reduces due to ageing. It’s crucially important to start using it regularly. Hyaluronic acid supports a vast amount of water, so it is irreplaceable if you desperately want to have fresh, young-looking and glowing skin. Serums and creams with hyaluronic acid should be in every woman’s beauty cabinet. 
  3. Drink at least several glasses of water every day. We receive a decent amount of water from our food. However, other organs tend to consume a large amount of it. Be sure you drink it during the day.

The ground revives after rain, and our skin revitalises when it’s properly moisturised. You can ensure effective results after a few weeks of cleansing your skin daily. Nowadays, it’s super easy to obtain good products for your skin. Don’t let your skin look dry and shrivelled.